What's better? More expensive trade show booth space for higher foot traffic OR cheaper trade show booths and driving traffic to your booth? With more than 30 years in the industry, we have learned a few things. And, one is the knowledge that while trade show booth location is important, it’s more important to have a warm and inviting booth and a strong company identity. We’re not denying that high traffic areas are sought after and higher traffic can translate into a higher number of potential leads and sales. What we’re saying is there are more things to consider when selecting your trade show booth location. Let us explain below:

You would think that exhibit entrances and exits would be a great location for a trade show booth, right? Unfortunately, they aren’t because of being too crowded and because people are usually distracted as they walk by. Instead, it’s better to select a booth location where you can:

  • Hold conversations with prospects and customers without having to yell
  • Have some distance from key competitors or an overly large booth that will surely be dynamic
  • Possibly get some foot traffic to show seminars
  • Create an open booth design where displays and display tables won’t obstruct access and invite visitors in

After you select a location based on the above suggestions, think about ways to have a strong company identity. Trade show table covers are a great way to get your logo seen from a distance. Use full-color print table banners or table runners. Also, think about adding good-quality trade show table covers on counters that hold your wide-screen TVs.

Another idea that can make your company’s name and logo stand out is to have a private label snack and offer them in your trade show booth. They are inexpensive and word-of-mouth will travel fast through the exhibit hall alerting hungry trade show guests they can grab a bag of chips, pretzels, candies, or other snacks from your booth.

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